Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some Real Value for Your Customers and You


Value, value, value….

Every company says it, but who really does it?

In today’s market, your prospect and customer must feel at a very deep level they are getting real value from you and your services.

How do you demonstrate value to a customer? Here are four overtly obvious ways to show your customer the value of your product so they may rightly justify the price you are charging for your service.

1. Create an outrageously blatant memorable experience. In this case, you may have to do what is absolutely unthinkable. One of my coaching clients sends his customers on a seven day cruise for two when they buy one of his custom homes. Make a really big deal out of your customer being your customer. Be so happy and thankful to them that they have no other option but to reciprocate the gratitude by telling everyone they know. Reward them for being your customer and they will reward you with referrals.

2. Establish your expertise way in advance of their purchase. People love to do business with “experts”. When you are considered an expert in your line of work, you will attract more discriminating customers…customers who wish to take advantage of your expertise. Accomplish this by writing articles, posting blogs, doing radio interviews or shows, contributing your services in the community, holding an office of leadership in your trade association, winning awards, obtaining certifications, or teaching classes in your area of expertise.

3. The devil is in the details. Be retentive with your customer. I always love an anal retentive customer, because when I have to, I can “out-anal-retentive” them. It’s a game. The more detailed and specific you are with them, the more the feel you are an expert. They also receive the message that you are going to be equally retentive with their project or product. Once you have built unbreakable rapport, move to the details and nuances of where their money is going. Every detail has a price, hence value is established. For the record, you only have to be one notch more retentive than your customer for them to feel they are getting real value.

4. Deliver, deliver, deliver. My gosh, deliver what you say and when you say you will. NO…WAIT. Deliver in advance. Deliver more. Even ten minutes early can exceed expectations. A simple phone call to double check, triple check, quadruple check on your customer demonstrates value. If you say you are going to provide a product in a certain manner, do one or two better. Then, make a big deal out of it with your customer by telling them how much you appreciate their business.

5. Bonus (to create more value for you, the reader)…Enthusiasm breeds enthusiasm. You have got to be so happy, so thankful, and so orgasmic about doing business with your customer that they sense how passionate you are about what you are doing for them. Don’t you, or your staff, bitch, moan and whine about the economy, the cost of doing business, your headache, your dog, or anything else for that matter. Eternal optimism will foster feelings of value in your customer.

Here are some free resources that I have created to give you even more value as a reader and customer…

Six week Builder Mastery e-Course.
Lessons come into your email box to help you build your business, create more customers, make more money and keep your life and business in balance.

How to Sell More New Homes in Any Market Condition.
Here is a free chapter from my e-Book. The chapter is called, "Earning the Right to Make the Sale".

Free articles for your company newsletter, association magazine or for your blog. 39 articles for you to choose from…all free and full of valuable content.

You have my full permission to pass along this blog article to your colleagues, your team, your peers, your boss, your enemies and your plastic surgeon…lol.

Until our paths cross again, take great care of yourself and your loved ones.


Ps. When your organization needs a huge dose of motivation mixed with real world solutions, I will show up with my A-game. Send me an email and let's visit.