Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Meditation for Success

Dear Friend,

I have something in common with Richard Gere, Tiger Woods,
and Phil Jackson (Lakers Coach)...and you can too.

We all use meditation as a regular daily practice to enhance
our productivity and success in life.

Now, I am not a Zen Master or anything, and I don't plan to
don a crimson robe with beads any time soon.

I am just a practical guy who is always in search for ways
to improve my life and the lives of those around me.

You can use regular meditation as a means to relax,
re-energize, stay healthy, sleep soundly, and remain
creatively engaged in your business.

Guess what? When those things are all working for me, I make
a whole lot more money than most of the population in the
free world...and I suspect you will too.

One method I use is called binaural beats and tones.
You can wikipedia it for a clear definition, but basically it relaxes
your brainwaves at a very deep level with sound helping you
get calm, focused and energetic. Its been around since 1839.

I would highly encourage you to download a ten-minute
free demo to see if you like it. Free Demo.

If you wish to remain centered and focused in your business
and life, meditation is one of the key ways to help you do this.

Your business, your health, your career, your relationships, and
your peace of mind will all benefit immensely.

As always, take great care of yourself and your loved ones.

Ps. Please leave your comments on this blog below.


Anonymous said...

Great advice, Paul. I tried it first thing in the morning and it allowed me to focus more clearly on what I wanted to accomplish that day.

Real Estate Investor Mom said...

Paul, thanks for sharing. Do you use Holosync or something else?

I've found that Twitter can be a powerful way to make connections at lightning fast speed. And, you can tell your group that you have a new blog post and direct readers to it. You get immediate results.

My Twitter following has grown from 75 people on Dec 30 to 918 at this moment on Jan 16. I've seen others whose network has grown even faster.

Anyway, I love your blog! I know you'll be successful no matter which direction you choose.
